Assisted Living Options has a suite of policies to conform to the NDIS Practice Standards, and our NDIS Certification, policies are reviewed every 2 years or sooner if there has been a change to be reflected. At Assisted Living Options we believe:
* you have the right to request any policy and procedure - you can do this by email, phone or letter.
* you have the right to participate in policy development and feedback - this is whenever a new policy needs to be developed - invitation is usually by email - if you prefer letter form please advise.
* policies are reviewed every 2 years - next review will take place in September 2023
In your welcome pack you will get some policies that I believe are important to you and service delivery:
- complaint management
- emergency and disaster management
- privacy and confidentiality
- pandemic
- information security
- infection control
Assisted Living Options places the safety and care of our clients at the forefront of our operational procedures. During an emergency, disaster or pandemic our staff will adhere to this policy framework and within in any additional guidelines, directives and instructions provided by state and federal government authorities.
During any Emergency, Disaster or Pandemic the director of Assisted Living Options will undertake the following actions:
* follow all relevant government guidelines, directives and instructions
* prepare clients before any possible actions are taken, by informing them how the current situation may affect their service
* attempt to maintain preferred worker for client
* work towards maintaining continuity of support of each of our clients.
* develop support plan/actions at Intake Meeting or when required, and reviewed at renewal of service agreements
Pandemic Management
Pandemics are high risk situations that develop quickly, They have the potential to severely impact the health or workers and clients.
Our response to a pandemic is:
* to follow all relevant state and federal government guidelines, directives and instructions
* ensure all staff are vaccinated
* follow hand hygiene practices and social distancing directives
* wearing of appropriate PPE when required
* if required temperature checks - staff may ask if any cold or flu like symptoms are present
* change supports when required for continuity of supports ( if group it may move to 1-1 ratio for example)
Your response
You are responsible to inform Assisted Living Options at your earliest convenience if you have any fever, headache or cold flu like symptoms or if you are awaiting a test result or you have tested positive for COVID
Assisted Living Options is committed to protecting and upholding the right to privacy of people using our service. In particular, Assisted Living Options is committed to protecting and upholding the rights of our consumers in the way we collect, store and use information about them, their needs and the services we provide to them.
Assisted Living Options requires staff to be consistent and careful in the way they manage what is written and said about consumers and how they decide who can see or hear this information.
Assisted Living Options is subject to Privacy Act and Disability Inclusion Act and will follow the guidelines of the Australian privacy Principles in its information management practices.
Assisted Living Options will only share or release consumer information for the external auditing of consumer files for the purposes of NDIS Certification processes.
Assisted Living Options will ensure that:
· We meet our legal and ethical obligations as an employer and service provider in relation to protecting the privacy of people and organisational personnel.
· Consumers using this service will be provided with information about their rights regarding privacy.
· Consumers using this service and will be provided with privacy when they are being interviewed or discussing matters of a personal or sensitive nature.
· All staff will understand what is required in meeting these obligations.
This policy conforms to the Federal Privacy Act (1988) and the Australian Privacy Principles which govern the collection, use and storage of personal information.
This policy will apply to all records, whether hard copy or electronic (soft), containing persona information about individuals, and to interviews or discussions of a sensitive personal nature.
I maintain a incident management system to aid in recording managing and resolving incidents as per incident management policy
Assisted Living Options affirms the right of people using its services to live their lives free from neglect, abuse and exploitation. The purpose of this policy is to:
The scope of this policy applies to all our services that are funded by NDIA. The policy applies to all employees, including paid staff, advocates, contractors and others who may act on behalf of the service from time to time.
Assisted Living Options has a duty of care to ensure that the rights of people using its service are respected, their well-being is safeguarded, and that they are not exposed to any form of abuse or neglect while using our services. We expect that everyone who is associated with this service, and is involved in providing services to people we support will share our commitment to maintaining a culture that:
Assisted Living Options is committed to empowering people to play an active role in decisions that affects their lives and to make choices for themselves:
Assisted Living Options will:
· Inform people about the opportunities for choice available to them.
· Support people to make informed choice which will provide them opportunities
· Keep records of the person’s preferences regarding their service
· Enable people to build self-reliance and maintain social inclusion
· Ensure reasonable efforts are made at Intake to involve the consumer in selecting their Support Worker including preferred gender for providing personal care supports.
· Ensure that each consumer can easily identify workers engaged to provide the agreed support as identified at Intake and on the service agreement– the consumer will chose the support worker of their choosing. A discussion will be had with the consumer and/or important to identify the most appropriate communication format for the consumer to identify their worker – ie photo or audio
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